The Watermelon Coalition is primarily focused on education and community building. Our motivation lies in attempting to change discourse on Palestine and more broadly the Islamic world that has been subjected to various forms of violence starting with the colonisation of those lands and more recently with the war on terror campaigns. The Watermelon Coalition began with reading groups targeting various domains of knowledge including, philosophy, anthropology, decolonial theory and literature, political theory, and history. These subjects were divided across three objectives: revolutionising language – featuring more abstract philosophical and sociocultural anthropology readings; contextualising resistance – featuring historical and political works that help understand the context in which colonised peoples pursue resistance; and decolonizing the mind – featuring biographical and literary works by decolonial figures. These objectives were created to facilitate not only conversations about Palestine and its colonial history but also about decolonization and revolution more broadly.
Beit El Hikma is a MENA and South Asian cafe/library in the heart of Toronto aiming to be a multifunctional space that carves out room in the cafe landscape for learning, connecting, and building community through political education.